The work of a Christian the day before and the day after an
election is exactly the same: to attend to the needs of the poor, seek justice
for the oppressed, provide a home for refugees, comfort the sorrowing, seek an
end to war, and advocate freedom for captives.
In every election, people pray to God that their side will
win, when what we should be most concerned about is whether we are on God’s side. Scripture is clear that God’s
side is with the poor. Over and over we are reminded that whatever you do, don’t
wreck the lives of the poor, because God loves them very much and will remember
how you treat them. To be on God’s side, we must always support the poor and
work on their behalf, even (or especially) when persons with political power
have other agendas.
One benefit of getting older is that I have come to realize
that God works with whatever decisions we make, individually or collectively,
to teach us the way and lead us to goodness. Sometimes the lessons are painful,
but the work of the Spirit cannot be contained. Last night a candidate won the electoral vote, while the other candidate won the popular vote. If we trust in God, we have to trust that, as
Julian of Norwich proclaimed, all will be well.
Perhaps a good prayer at this time of national division and
unrest is the Litany of Peace adapted
by Barbara Bridge from the Prayer of St. Francis:
Faithful God, wherever there is darkness, may we bring your light:
Make me an
instrument of your peace
May we bring hope and gladness where despair and sadness are:
Make me an
instrument of your peace
May we seek to understand one another with a patient heart:
Make me an
instrument of your peace
Gracious God, whenever people hunger, may we fill their need:
Make me an
instrument of your peace
Set us free from all fear and anger; set us free to love:
Make me an
instrument of your peace
I will leave you with the image I am greeted with every
morning and evening: various Sisters trailing down the hallway on the way to
the Choir Chapel for morning and evening prayers. Let us pray for each other
and for all the people of the United States.