Friday, February 14, 2020

Trusting God's Ways

Many people would attest that they have been touched by God’s love and compassion. However, few have known the physical intimacy experienced by the deaf man with a speech impediment described in Mark’s gospel, for Jesus “put his finger in the man’s ears, and, spitting, touched his tongue.” What an odd, intrusive sensation that must have been! Yet, as the man discovered, when we allow Christ to enter into our lived experience of pain, trauma, and limitation, healing can occur.

Naturally, the man was exultant at recovering his hearing and speech. However, apparently he needed to relearn how to listen, because he disregarded Jesus’ instructions not to tell anyone.

We don’t know why Jesus didn’t want news of the healing to spread; perhaps he wished to continue his work a while longer before attracting the attention of the Jewish religious leaders, which he knew would lead to his death. Often we don’t understand why God asks something of us, especially when it counters our own instincts and desires. However, the perspective of Scripture and the hindsight of our own experiences teaches us that we need to trust God’s motives, which are always centered in love and wholeness.

Out of compassion, God responds to our desire for healing, but in return we are asked to trust in God’s ways. Those who do so are drawn into a deepening intimacy with the Author of life.

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