Friday, August 28, 2020

Chaos and the Law of Love

It seems to be a universal principle that chaos precedes creation. Every planet in the universe emerged from a giant, rotating cloud of swirling cosmic debris and gas. All songs, paintings, and poems are the result of a complicated series of electrical impulses and chemical neurotransmitters in our brains. Every good meal begins as a set of disparate ingredients that need to be combined in certain amounts, with varying degrees of heat, in certain sequences. But if chaos is so universal, why does it often make us feel so disoriented and uneasy?

Typically I'm a calm person, but lately I’ve been feeling increasingly anxious as the chaos of election season in the U.S. intensifies. Anxiety often stems from a lack of control, and I certainly can’t control the outcome of the election. However, I can choose to step back and ground myself in God, who ultimately brings good out of any situation, even the death of his Son. I also can choose to emulate Jesus by responding to hatred with love and forgiveness.

Whit Merrifield, a Kansas City Royals baseball player, summed it up well in today’s issue of the Kansas City Star as he reflected on the nation’s racial conflicts: “What I know is that love brings on love and hate brings on hate…. I’m going to go out and try to love everybody. …being the Christian man that I am, that’s the number one rule that I like to live by.”

When we are in the midst of chaos, it is more important than ever to listen to the voice of Christ. As Esther de Waal notes in her book A Life-Giving Way, when I do that, “I realize that what I am being asked to do here is simply to fulfill the law of love, which is where in the end everything in Benedict’s rule of life is leading me.” My responsibility in the midst of the current chaos in the United States is to fulfill the law of love in the daily circumstances of my life. Then I can place my trust in God’s own love, justice, mercy, and sometimes inexplicable timing and gain a measure of peace.

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