Friday, October 30, 2020

Steadying Our Spirits

In one of the psalms we chanted at morning prayer today, we made this request of God: “steady my spirit.” Although we are living in turbulent times as we experience a contentious election, a pandemic, economic instability, and the effects of climate change, I believe God does help us steady our spirits in a variety of ways. Here are a few examples:

• Music can soothe us, center us, remind us of our creative potential, and show us that diverse people can gather together in peace. A beautiful Jewish chant that can help us remember that we are held in God’s love is available at this link:

• The actions of other people that affirm human decency and compassion steady our spirits and remind us of the goodness that exists in the world. An example is Scott Warren, a member of the group “No More Deaths,” who was seen giving food and water to two undocumented migrants in an Arizona desert. Mr. Warren was arrested and charged with three felonies; he was later acquitted of all charges.

• Spending time outdoors is grounding because it reminds us that, like the earth, we go through cycles that always bring us back to new life. Each season has wisdom and beauty, as observed by the poet Wu-Men:

Ten thousand flowers in spring,

the moon in autumn,

a cool breeze in summer,

snow in winter.

If your mind isn’t clouded by unnecessary things,

this is the best season of your life.

Perhaps the best way to steady our spirits is to not let our mind be clouded by unnecessary things. This election, this pandemic, this time of economic instability, even this this threat of climate change will eventually pass. When we occupy our minds with necessary things—how to be loving and creative and in tune with the earth—our spirits will be steady and we will generate peace for ourselves and others.

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