Friday, December 22, 2017

God of Day and God of Darkness

As we enter into the winter season, when nights are long and yet we begin to gain a bit more light each day, I find it helpful to reflect on this bit of wisdom by Wendell Berry:

At night make me one with the darkness
In the morning make me one with the light

Both darkness and light are necessary for life to thrive. For example, melatonin, a hormone that helps us to sleep, is released in response to darkness, and vitamin D is created in our bodies in response to light. Just so, in our spiritual lives, we experience periods of grief and dying to self that lead us to a greater reliance on God and periods of joy and insight that help us stay faithful to the path.

Winter is a reminder to take both darkness and light as they come. Both offer fruits of the Spirit and can be our guides to greater wisdom and the good life.

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