Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Jesus the Stranger

It is intriguing that in Matthew 25: 35, Jesus compares himself to a stranger: “For I was a stranger, and you welcomed me….”

Jesus certainly acted strangely, according to our human standards: Eating with prostitutes and tax collectors instead of the wealthy, who could fund his new church? Driving the money changers out of the temple instead of cutting a deal with them for a portion of their proceeds? Washing the feet of his disciples instead of reclining at table until he was served? And yet, when we embrace Jesus’ strange customs, we find that they bring us fresh perspectives and new life.

People cease to be strangers when we spend time with them and get to know them. Just so, when we spend time with Jesus, we learn his way of being and begin to recognize him in those who forgive, who serve, who see that the seed of God is in everyone. Eventually, it dawns on us that it is not Jesus’ ways but the ways of the world that are strange. Furthermore, the old aphorism is true: We will be known by the company we keep. I’d like to be known for keeping company with Jesus, who is no longer stranger but friend.

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