Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Glory of Humility

The third chapter of Sirach includes a curious line: “For great is the power of God; by the humble he is glorified.” Of all the magnificent things God has created—galaxies, stars, seas, forests, mountains, music—it is the humble who make God glorious? How can this be?

Perhaps we can think of it this way: How many truly humble people do you know? A handful, maybe? The earth is full of people who glory in performing great athletic feats, creating amazing works of art, making lots of money, and achieving positions of power, but as it turns out, humility is much more difficult to achieve.

Humility requires acknowledging that everything we achieve comes about as a result of the gifts God instilled in us—even the gifts of discipline and motivation—along with the assistance of our teachers. The world tells us that our self-worth comes from what achieve, seemingly on our own. The humble are the few who have learned that our self-worth comes from being loved into being by God and by participating in God’s life as it unfolds through us and around us. Thus the humble truly do glorify God. May we be among their number!

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