Friday, September 25, 2020

Calling On the Timeless In Our Hearts

In times of difficulty we often turn to wisdom that has stood the test of time, and the book of Ecclesiastes certainly applies. Although it was likely written about 300 years before Jesus was born, we still ponder its message: “For everything there is a a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven” (Eccl 3: 1).

Currently we are in the season of the COVID-19 virus, which has led to widespread suffering and death among humans. A great many people are being confronted at the same time with the truth that there is “a time to be born, and a time to die.” Sometimes we can stave off death for a while, but eventually we must all succumb—as do all the stars in the universe, as did Jesus.

Although we cannot alter the inevitability of death, we can alter our experience of it. Occasionally we hear it said, “She had a happy death.” Generally that means that a person had time to heal old wounds, express love and gratitude, and say goodbye to companions, while peacefully relinquishing this life and trusting that new life awaits.

Death sometimes comes unexpectedly, so if we want to ensure that we will have a happy death, we must act now to reconcile with others, develop a grateful spirit, express our love, and learn to entrust our life and death to God. Ironically, preparing for death helps us live more fully and joyfully in the present!

The author of the book of Ecclesiastes says that God has “put the timeless into our hearts.” Even as we face disease and the shortness of our lives, a part of us knows that our current life is not the end and that we will dwell with God forever. Our best response to whatever season we find ourselves in is to walk with each other and help each other remember that God’s love and mercy endure forever.

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