Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Imitating God's Generosity

In the great crowd of people who were present at the multiplication of the loaves and fishes by Jesus, I wonder how Andrew happened to find the boy who had five barley loaves and two fish. I suspect that Andrew might have shouted out, “Does anyone here have something to eat?” It’s likely that those with food avoided eye contact, looked down at their feet, or ignored the question, continuing their conversations. However, before his parents could stop him, one child with a generous heart and a desire to please ran up to Andrew with a small basket of bread and fish.

This humble offering was all Jesus needed to create an abundance of food for more than 5000 hungry pilgrims — with twelve baskets left over.

Often we believe that what we have to offer is too small to make a difference. We might be embarrassed by how little we have to offer or reluctant to give up the little that we have. Children don’t stop to think about these things but follow their impulse to be generous, which is one reason Jesus said, “the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Everything we have, including our very being, has been given to us by God. When we imitate God’s generosity by sharing what we have with others, we can trust that God’s abundance will overflow in our lives. What we have is enough; who we are is enough. That belief and our trusting heart is all Christ needs to work wonders through us and our own humble offerings.

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