Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Turning Toward the Light

When we are gifted with a sunny day after experiencing a long period of clouds and rain, I wish I could feast on the light, as plants do. Actually, however, because Christ is the light of the world, when we consume the body of Christ in the Eucharist, we are in effect feasting on the light! This musing prompted the following poem of gratitude for the lessons we can learn from plants about being sustained by the light.

I envy plants for many reasons,
but primarily because they feed
on light, whereas I must shop and cook
and chew and digest and expel
instead of simply standing
in place and harvesting
the sun’s rays to create sugar,
guaranteeing a sweet life
and generating oxygen
for other beings,
breathing into our nostrils
with the gentleness of a Creator
who forever wants us
to turn toward
the light.

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