Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Encountering Delight

Keeping a gratitude journal is a common spiritual practice, but how many people keep a journal of delights? The poet Ross Gay decided to undertake a yearlong experiment in learning to notice by writing about a particular delight he encountered each day. This experiment resulted in the publication of The Book of Delights.

Delight, which comes from the Latin word delectare, “to allure,” shines light on the things that lead us to gratitude. Unfortunately, in our fast-paced world, allurement has dimmed because we seem to have lost the ability to slow down and take time to see dust motes dancing in sunbeams, the remarkable color of homemade plum jelly, or the texture of tree bark standing in relief against a gray winter sky.

Psalm 149:4 tells us that God delights in his people, which means that God takes the time to see and know the beauty and goodness within us.

This Advent, will we allow ourselves to be allured by silence, prayer, and anticipation so we can delight in the presence of Christ in our world and welcome Emmanuel with grateful hearts?


  1. A wonderful reminder. It is a season when it is so easy to be drawn out and to forget the journey within.

  2. Thanks, Dan. May your journey within be blessed this Advent.
