Monday, December 23, 2019

The Messiah We Need

As we grow in age and wisdom, we can be grateful for the times we did not get what we prayed for: the job that would have consumed us, the relationship that would have scarred us, the fame that would have swelled our pride. Similarly, at Christmas, we can be grateful that God did not send humanity the type of messiah we had longed for—a military warrior who would destroy our enemies and bestow power, glory, and wealth on the downtrodden.

God did not send us the messiah we wanted but the one we needed: a man anointed to teach us that the height of being human requires humility, whole-hearted love of God, reverence for all life, gratitude, and forgiveness of ourselves and others as we walk our earthly path together.

At Christmas we celebrate the birth of this very human messiah. After Christmas, our challenge is to remember and honor God’s words that echo through the ages: “This is my beloved son. Listen to him.”


  1. And, may I add gratitude for something I didn't pray for: finding this blog quite by serendipity (grace?) in 2019. I pray that you continue to find in 2020 the time, space, and inspiration to share your insights on this marvelous oasis in the blogosphere. Mark S

    1. Thanks, Mark, for the encouragement to keep writing as we enter a new year! I'm grateful that my community gives me to time to keep writing for The Monastic Call. I look forward to staying connected with you and other readers through Spirit and Word in 2020.
