Friday, January 10, 2020

Surrounded by Grace

One day recently the thought occurred to me that grace pools around us, and that thought morphed (appropriately) into the following poem. Whatever happens this day, I trust that you will be surrounded by grace. Look carefully, and you'll see that it is all around you.


 Over eons, grace
has perfected
the art of hiding
in plain sight
by shape shifting—

Here a tissue
offered to dry
tears of exhaustion,
there the sparkle
of a ring affixed
to a woman’s finger
for more than 50 years,

Always wafting
on the milky breath
of a newborn
and on breezes
that fortify crews
of sweaty roofers,

And if you look
askance, you can see
her in the cat’s offering
of a dead mouse
and in valentines
scrawled for mothers
of second-graders.

Through a lifetime
of constantly changing
circumstances, she is
the chameleon found
wherever beauty abounds
and kindness quickens,
a sly yet steadfast
reminder that all
of us live continually
in a state of grace.

1 comment:

  1. grace abounds in shadows and light, in sad and joy, in hugs and in repulsion, when we are aware and awake to notice Grace - in the silence pondering and in the NOW moments...
