Friday, June 19, 2020

Sustained by Beauty

In January 2020, Mount oblate Terry Chamberlain Diehl went to the Mexican border to work at the Humanitarian Relief Center in McAllen, Texas, and to take supplies to a refugee camp in Matamoros, Mexico. She told the following story:

“A woman came up and asked us if she could have some empty milk jugs. Later we discovered why. When we were walking through the tent city, we saw the same woman using the chocolate milk jugs to bring water from the Rio Grande River to water some flowers she had planted in the midst of all the tents. It reminded me of the importance of working with God in his plan for beauty, goodness, and harmony and of 'blooming wherever you're planted.' I'm so impressed with these, our brothers and sisters, and their indomitable spirit of hope." 

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The earth laughs in flowers,” and this woman was partnering with God and the earth to bring some brightness to the lives of her companions who were living in difficult circumstances.

My life is nothing like that of people in refugee camps, but I too have responded with gratitude to the outpouring of beauty in the flowers gracing the Mount campus in this spring of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beauty is one of the ways God sustains us, no matter where we dwell, and it is also how God connects us with each other. Whether or not we grow flowers, we can make the choice to participate in some way in God’s plan for beauty, goodness, and harmony.


  1. Wonderful story. I was looking in National Geographic about a story about refugee camps and was surprised to see how they tried to beautify their surroundings, too. I think it's just a natural human trait and I agree with the "Bloom Where You are Planted!" saying. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Yes; we seek God and God is in beauty so we seek beauty. It is consoling to me that we keep turning to the true and good even in difficult circumstances. The human spirit is mighty indeed.
