Monday, March 15, 2021

A Place of Prayer

The spiritual teacher Beverly Lanzetta has found it helpful to create a personal rule of life, which includes this beautiful intention: “Offer yourself as a place of prayer. May your presence be one that heals divisions and expands hearts.”

When we think of a place of prayer, we usually think of churches, temples, or mosques. However, when we create space and time for prayer in our lives, we become a walking, breathing place of prayer where we and others can always be in the presence of God.

Sr. Mary Ann Dice
Although people who are faithful to prayer experience frustration, anger, disappointment, and fear just like anyone else, they also have a palpable sense of peace that comes from being grounded in God. It somehow feels easier to breathe in their presence, and their faith that love will overcome any afflictions and divisions is reassuring.

We are fortunate indeed if we have prayerful people as companions and teachers. One such person is Sr. Mary Ann Dice, who died yesterday. An elementary school teacher and reading specialist, she was for many years a harbor for many children who had difficulty learning to read. In her later years she managed the laundry services at the Mount and was an affirming, gentle, patient face of Christ for our lay employees.

I’m grateful to Sr. Mary Ann for being a place of prayer for students, employees, and her monastic community. I have no doubt she will continue to expand our hearts as we remember her and seek to follow her example of faithfulness in prayer that leads us and others to the love of God.

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