Thursday, January 19, 2023

Markers of the Path of Truth

Verse 11 of Psalm 86 says, “Mark your path, Lord, that I may follow your truth.” The image that arose for me when we chanted this verse at Morning Prayer was God leaving us a trail of bread crumbs so we can always follow the ways of truth!

I do believe that God marks the path to truth, but with something more durable than bread crumbs. Rather, God uses the lives of people who have adhered fiercely to the truth as markers for us to follow, similar to the historical markers that dot many roadways.

Jesus is our primary example of one who was a steadfast witness of the truth of God’s love and forgiveness, and he inspired many other prophets of truth. Examples include Franz Jäggerstätter, an Austrian farmer who refused to fight for Nazi Germany; Martin Luther King, Jr., who advocated that all people be free from oppression; and Dorothy Day, who saw Christ in the poor whom she fed, clothed, and housed.

It is worth considering whether we ourselves can be counted among God’s living markers of truth. Are we willing to accept the truth when it visits us — even the truth about ourselves — thus living humbly with knowledge of our limitations and with gratitude that God loves us as we are? Are we willing to refute the lie that some people lack value and are rejected by God because of their gender, race, religious affiliation, or the sins they have committed? If so, we will join the company of those who didn’t settle for bread crumbs of truth but showed how to forge a path leading to reconciliation, peace, and inclusion in the kingdom of God.