Monday, September 19, 2016

An Eye for Simplicity and Mystery

Yesterday, the Atchison Serra Club invited all local sisters, priests, brothers, and persons in formation to a picnic at Jackson Park. The picnic tables were literally groaning with mounds of sweet corn, ribs, brisket, pulled pork, potato dishes, various rice, bean, cabbage, lettuce, and jello salads, grilled tomatoes with mozzarella, chips, watermelon, cantaloupe, brownies, cakes, and cookies. I heaped my plate full, but as I ate, I found to my surprise that the food I enjoyed the most was a single perfect blackberry that was part of a mixed green salad. Sometimes, even in the midst of bounty, simplicity is what speaks to our heart, if we can train our eyes (and our stomach) to see it.
The other image I carry with me from the picnic is that of a lilac bush with some spotty purple blooms. I didn't realize it was a lilac bush until Sr. Martha Schweiger pointed it out to me, because I'm used to seeing lilacs bloom in the spring, not in mid September. I snapped off a small sprig, and the deep, earthy, complex aroma provided deep satisfaction as I relaxed into the twilight. Thus I received another lesson in the value of living in community: Even when our eyes don’t see mystery at work in the world, others notice it and draw it to our attention.

I ended the day grateful for the gift of blackberries, lilac, and the chance to enjoy life in community, thanks to the generosity of the Serra Club.


  1. I enjoy the simplicity of this message. Thanks so much. Marcia

  2. I too liked the blackberry salad. Would like the recipe. Thanks for sharing.
