Monday, February 18, 2019

Looking for Signs

This morning, Sr. Janelle came to the breakfast table in an exultant mood. “Look! My bread is toasted perfectly! On both sides! I am favored this day by the Lord!”

Although she was talking with tongue firmly in cheek, we do have an often unconscious tendency to interpret the happenings of our day as signs from God. A perfectly cooked egg at breakfast? I’m going to have a great day! Tepid water in the shower? What did I do to offend you, O God?

In today’s Gospel (Mk 8: 11-12), Jesus “sighed deeply in his spirit” when the Pharisees asked him for a sign. The truth is, we are constantly surrounded by signs within and about us. Traditionally, they have been referred to as the fruits of the Spirit. When we treat others as vessels of Christ, when our actions are an extension of God’s love, when we live in a constant state of gratitude for the blessings of creation—these are signs that we are in alignment with God within us. On the other hand, being self-absorbed, being overly concerned with the things of the world, and and feeling slighted and dissatisfied are signs that we are on the wrong track.

God is not a micromanager or a short-order cook; it is up to us to make choices about how we will live each day, regardless of the palatability of our morning eggs and toast. We can trust the fruits of our lives and our inner barometer to keep us on the right path. If nothing else, we can say to God with Thomas Merton, I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road.”


  1. Thank you Jennifer, for this. May I look for the signs of being in “alignment with God”.

  2. Love the graphic as well as the blog, Jennifer.
