This week at the prison, I suggested that the men prepare
themselves for Pentecost by thinking about what gift they would like to receive
from the Holy Spirit at this time in their lives. I was surprised at how many
of them said they wanted understanding, wisdom, or knowledge. It was as if they
were channeling St. Paul, who said, “May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ…give
you a Spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of him. May the
eyes of your hearts be enlightened that you may know what is the hope that
belongs to God’s call…and what is the surpassing greatness of his power for us
who believe….” (Eph 1:17-19).
I think that many of the inmates have a growing sense that God
is working in their lives and want a better understanding of what God asks of
them, how God works in the world, and how they can grasp God’s love and
forgiveness. The hope that belongs to God’s call is a lifeline to them—the hope
that they can trust in God’s power and have fullness of life and peace. Can’t
we all say the same thing?
Like us, the inmates also seem to want wisdom so they can
understand both themselves and the people they are living with and thus be
better equipped to respond to behaviors that flow from fear, woundedness, and
ego defenses (e.g., acting out, denial, displaced aggression, and avoidance). To
pray for a spirit of wisdom and understanding seems particularly important at
this time in our society when the divisions between groups of people are so
prevalent and entrenched.
We have a week or so to prepare ourselves for our
celebration of Pentecost. May we all pray that the Spirit will gift us and our
world with the wisdom and understanding we need to let God’s healing and love
flow unimpeded in our lives.