Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Honoring God's Wisdom

This month Mount St. Scholastica is hosting a 10-day institute for female Benedictine novices, and I was asked to make a presentation on journaling. Although I have little experience in presenting to groups (other than to inmates in the state prison) and have never worked with PowerPoint, I agreed to prepare this talk. Why?

The Rule of St. Benedict says, “Obedience is a blessing to be shown by all, not only to the abbot [prioress] but also to one another as brothers [sisters], since we know that it is by this way of obedience that we go to God” (Chapter 71:1). Based on St. Paul’s explanation of the gifts of the spirit in his first letter to the Corinthians, I believe that acknowledging and utilizing our gifts is another way to show obedience.

Paul takes pains to explain that God gives people different gifts, such as teaching, preaching, healing, prophecy, and administration. As we undergo schooling and begin working, our gifts generally become clear; we may have a facility for math, mechanics, writing, music, farming, or child care, for example. Sometimes we’d rather not use our gifts—they may seem boring or lack status in society or don’t lead to wealth or just entail a lot of effort and hard work. To be obedient to our gifts, however, leads us to God.

I suspect I may have the gift of helping people grow spiritually by writing, organizing, and presenting information to them in a creative way. If that’s the case, I need to show obedience to that gift by accepting invitations to make presentations and retreats (within reason!). God has given us all gifts; to be faithful in using them is one way to honor the wisdom of God.

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