Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Calling All the Children Home

In the gospel reading for this coming Sunday, which is Mother’s Day, Jesus tells us, “My sheep hear my voice.” Interestingly, the first voice we come to know, in the womb, is that of our mother. As children, we can always pick out our mother’s voice calling us when we are in a crowd or outside playing, and when our mother uses our middle name, we know we’re in trouble.

Furthermore, like the shepherd described by Jesus, when one of her children is lost or in danger, a mother entrusts the care of her other kids to a family member or friend and goes to be with the one who is in crisis. Mothers, like shepherds, also try to help us make good choices and guide us on the right path.

In a world in which few of us have encounters with shepherds and sheep, our mothers may be the best representation of Jesus as shepherd. Jesus knows us and loves us in the same way that our mother knows us and loves us; recognizing this can help us have a closer relationship with Jesus the good shepherd. Just as Mary, our universal mother, leads us to Jesus, so do our earthly mothers. May they be blessed with the strength, wisdom, and patience that all shepherds need.

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