Wednesday, May 22, 2019

An Ancient Remedy for Modern Problems

Benedictine communities have been in existence for more than 1500 years. To exist that long requires a blend of firm principles and the flexibility to respond to the needs of the times. St. Benedict set the principles in place in his Rule:

• Listen with the ear of your heart
• Welcome guests as you would Christ
• Live simply
• Set aside time each day for prayer, work, meals with others,           leisure/contemplation, and sleep
• Be obedient to the voice of God and to one another
• Put down roots in one community
• Distribute goods according to need
• Take special care of the sick, children, guests, and the poor
• Cultivate humility
• Regard all utensils and goods as sacred vessels of the altar
• Refrain from grumbling, gossiping, and idleness

As we attempt to live by these principles, we also need to respond to the needs of our times so we can be of service to others. Given our principles, Benedictines can particularly speak to the following situations we face in the 21st century:

Isolation resulting from overuse of technology and working long hours. Humans are flesh and blood, not images on a screen. We have a God who became incarnate. Communicating solely through electronic devices does not satisfy our need for connection, and working too much creates stress and disease. Benedictines show that it is possible and desirable to live with each other and pursue balance.

Racism and intolerance that leads to violence. Many people in our world seem to be incapable of tolerating persons of different races or religions. The Benedictine practice of hospitality—welcoming all guests as Christ regardless of their socioeconomic status, race, sexual orientation, religion, or culture—affirms the value of all humans and leads to peaceful coexistence.

Overconsumption and destruction of the earth. We are destroying our own habitat by fouling our water, air, oceans, and soil with carbon, chemicals, and plastic. In 2012, the top 0.6% of the world’s population held 39.3% of the world’s wealth. The Benedictine practices of living simply and distributing goods according to need provide a model for protecting the earth and ensuring that all people’s basic needs are met.

Although St. Benedict's Rule was written more than 1500 years ago, the principles it outlines can help us meet our modern challenges. However, we must summon the will and the faithfulness to apply these Benedictine practices in our lives today and share them with others.

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